Life University Clinic in U.S.A. - Internship & research team 2002-2004
Dae Sung Clinic in U.S.A. - Examination Doctor 2004-2005
Certified CPA in U.S.A.
Official Member of the life University Alumni Association.
International Chiropractic Association member in U.S.A.
Chiropractic Adjusting Technic Use:
Life Toggle Recoil (H.I.O.)
Life Full Spine
Life-J.Clay Thompson (Drop Table Technique)
Life Cervicle Chair/Knee-Chest (Gonstead)
Sacro-Occipital Technique (S.O.T.)
Extremity Adjusting Technique
Pettibon Spinal Biomechanics
Chiropractic quotes
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease. "Thomas Edison"
"the power that made the body, heals the body, it happens no other way."
"Health is not merely the absence of disease, it is the balance of mind, body, and soul."